2023 Year in Review

From new faces to new strategies, join the ADEC ESG team as we take a look back at how 2023 has opened new doors to a more sustainable world.
Getting Started with ESG Foundations (ESG Professional Series Recap 1)

Part 1 of our workshop series with USGBC-LA covers foundational topics in ESG, as well as trends and drivers in the sustainability space.
2021 in Review: A Transition to Impact, Transparency, and Governance

In this retrospective, the ADEC ESG team takes a look back at 2021—from the ESG trends we saw come to life through our global clients to what we think this means for the sustainability space in the coming years.
ADEC ESG Welcomes Cameron-Cole

ADEC welcomes our newly acquired partner Cameron-Cole, a pure-play environmental and sustainability consulting business. Join us as we begin a new and exciting chapter together as we continue to innovate the environmental science and sustainability industry.
How to Tie Executive Pay to ESG Targets

It is no longer a lofty idea supported by the few that executive pay should be, in part, influenced by ESG targets. In fact, according to a recent study by PwC, at least 45% of Fortune 100 companies have an ESG measure in their executive pay scheme.
ADEC ESG Solutions: 2020 in Review

The ADEC ESG Solutions team is taking a look back on 2020. How did we grow and change as a company and as a team of ESG consultants?
Navigating Operations During a Global Crisis: Perspectives from a COO

Business as usual is no longer the norm yet operations must continue and adapt to a new reality. How do you achieve resiliency and sustainable operations while navigating through an unprecedented global pandemic and addressing complex disruptions?
Webinar Recap: Bringing Together ESG and Municipal Financing

Our recent webinar, Resilient Cities: Adaptation and Municipal Financing in the Era of COVID-19, brought together Climate Action KC (CAKC), ADEC Innovations, and Moody’s. We presented an increasingly relevant overview of ESG in the context of private investing for local governments, what ESG factors and risks are used by bond raters, and climate resiliency in the era of COVID-19.
World Environment Day: Time for Nature

On June 5th every year, World Environment Day is celebrated to encourage worldwide awareness and action to protect the environment. This year’s theme is Time for Nature, which calls for urgent action to protect biodiversity.
Responding to CDP During Times of Global Crisis

While transparency and reporting for businesses have become increasingly important in recent years, the changing landscape in light of the current pandemic has made these factors even more crucial.
How to Improve Your CDP Response for 2020

Have questions for our consultants? Join our webinar on Tuesday, March 24 at 8:00am PDT / 3:00pm GMT for tips on how to improve your CDP performance, and stick around for a live Q&A with experts from ADEC Innovations.
COVID-19 Update: Reaffirming Our Dedication To You

As more COVID-19 cases are confirmed in the U.S. and globally, we at ADEC Innovations are taking extra precautions to ensure the health and safety of our staff. During this time of uncertainty and change I want to assure you of our continual commitment to you, our customer, and to the reliable, excellent service you have come to expect from ADEC Innovations.
City Planning: How to Assess Impacts to the Environment – The ADEC Innovations Blog

Environmental Planning is an industry that is always changing—especially in California. When a project is proposed, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires that impacts to the environment are assessed for their severity.
What are Mangrove Forests?

What are mangrove forests, and how do they relate to climate change? Mangroves are vital to healthy communities and ecosystems–but they’re under threat.
FirstCarbon Solutions Gets Green Business Certified

This summer, the Walnut Creek office of FirstCarbon Solutions (FCS), an ADEC Innovation, decided that it was time that we pursue a Green Business Certification from the California Green Business Network (CGBN).
Recycling Electronics: How You Can Contribute to the Circular Economy

The electronic devices we use to run our businesses, entertain ourselves, and interact with our social groups become obsolete quickly, but throwing them out creates unnecessary waste—the rare metals and refined plastics contained within them take considerable energy and resources to manufacture.
Planting Seeds for Culture Change: Greek Life at UC Berkeley

As a member of a sorority at UC Berkeley, I notice that institutional barriers cause inaction across several issues that pervade the Greek* system, including the issue of sustainability. In an effort to disrupt this stagnation and attack issues of waste generation, food security, lack of sustainability education, etc., I revamped a long-lost club called “Greening the Greeks.”
What Is the Fallout When a Government Pulls the Plug on Its Cap and Trade?

Months after the Ford government dismantled Ontario’s Cap and Trade (C&T) program, it seemed it would be a godsend to businesses that it had been killed. But, in fact, it was the opposite. At the packed two-day forum in Toronto on carbon pricing, there was no echo of the political rhetoric that the carbon tax/cap and trade was a job-killer.
Science on the Hill: Scientists in Congress

The 2018 United States midterm elections occurred on November 6th, offering an exciting day of notable outcomes. The midterms saw a record voter turnout, with 50.3 percent of eligible voters casting a ballot, making it the highest turnout in a midterm election since 1914.
Electric Vehicles: A Solution to Air Pollution?

Air pollution is a major environmental issue in cities around the world.
ESG Solutions for Environmental Planning

Environmental planning is crucial to business sustainability. It ensures that organizations comply with existing local, state, and regional environmental regulations and minimizes the environmental impact of doing business. Through compliance, organizations also protect the health and safety of staff and local communities by eliminating or reducing their exposure to potential hazards.
Is Ontario Better Off with the Federal Carbon Tax, or Reinstating Its Cap and Trade?

When the Canadian government announced its carbon tax (CT) for the four provinces that had not implemented their own approved equivalent greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reducing programs, this included Ontario. The newly elected Ford government of Ontario had recently dismantled its transparent, accountable, and effective cap and trade (C&T), but had no replacement plan.
What are the Differences Between Cap and Trade, Carbon Taxes, and Doing Nothing?

There is a lot of confusion between cap and trade and a carbon tax. More governments are implementing one or the other to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate the cost of severe weather events, as doing nothing about climate change is becoming unaffordable. This post explains their differences, and why cap and trade is the better option – hands down.
Cut Food Costs and Start an Urban Garden!

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average household spent $7,023 on food in 2015, a 3.9% change from the previous year. In addition, $4,015 of the total spent on food was considered “food at home,” or groceries purchased, prepared and consumed at home (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2015). This comprised 57% of the total spent on food per household in 2015. With the average household spending a majority of their food budget on groceries and food to be consumed at home, there is ample opportunity to cut down on total food spending by growing plants in an urban garden.
The Role of Technology in the UN SDGs, Part One

Adopted at the United Nation Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a UN initiative of 17 goals and 169 targets to end poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and tackle climate change by 2030.
Building an Inclusive Workplace

The workplace is becoming more diverse. Immigrants and their children will constitute 83 percent of the US labor force in the next 40 years, and businesses must keep up with the times by building inclusive workplaces.
ADEC Innovations is Your Partner for Better CDP Performance

CDP performance is one of the key indicators of a sustainable business, helping calculate the impact companies have on climate change. Investors and customers consider a business’ CDP performance to be one piece of concrete proof of its sustainability.
There’s More to Offer: FirstCarbon Solutions is Now ADEC Innovations

We are excited to announce that FirstCarbon Solutions’ (FCS) ESG business line is now ADEC Innovations!
Ten Tips on how to Survive a Winter Power Outage

My heart goes out to the millions of residents in the Eastern United States who have been hit with a massive, high wind, winter blizzard and extended power outages lasting more than a few hours.
The Manufacturing Industry’s Role in the Circular Economy

For two centuries, the linear model of production was the dominant, uncontested model in manufacturing. Manufacturers turned raw materials into finished products and then sold these to consumers. Consumers, in turn, bought these finished products and then discarded them afterwards. The model presented a process that had a starting point and an endpoint, and was self-contained in that it paid little attention to the status of or cost to the environment as resources were extracted and products were discarded. In a world of seemingly unlimited resources, it made sense for the maximization of profit to be the main, if not only driver, of businesses, with limited regard for social and environmental costs.