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Megan Crawford

Megan Crawford is a previous contributor to the ADEC ESG blog. Megan was an Associate Scientist who joined the Environmental, Social, and Governance Team in August 2015. Megan provides substantial assistance working with clients on a variety of sustainability projects, including CDP consulting services, GHG inventories, Corporate Social Responsibility reports, and more. Megan has strong interests in environmental sustainability and sustainable development through environmental design (e.g. LEED, solar, green building, xeriscaping, etc.).

Megan graduated from the University of California, Irvine in June 2015 with a B.S. in Earth System Science and minors in Biological Sciences and Global Sustainability. While at UCI, Megan was involved with sustainability on campus through PowerSave Campus Program and the Global Sustainability Resource Center. Megan also interned with the Center for Environmental Biology, working in conjunction with Irvine Ranch Conservancy and Crystal Cove Alliance on environmental projects, including vegetation monitoring, ecological restoration, and informal science education. In addition, Megan participated in undergraduate research and completed a senior thesis on Arctic lake productivity in connection with the carbon cycle.

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