The latest trends and
initiatives in ESG and

Mar 2019

Our Perspective

In 2010, California used over 280,000 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity, and over 12,000 million therms (MM therms) of natural gas. By 2020, this usage is projected to rise to over 315,000 GWh and almost 13,000 MM therms. Read More

Industry Updates

The UN Deputy Secretary-General circulated to UN Member States the final draft of the funding compact that will be discussed during the Operational Activities for Development Segment (OAS) of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Read More

Researchers have reported new findings about perovskite solar cells that could lead the way to devices that perform better. Read More

MAR 2019
Special Feature


CDP is a global disclosure system that enables organizations to benchmark, measure, and manage their environmental risks, while at the same time improve their brand reputation, increase operational efficiency, and lower costs.

ADEC Innovations has scored 21,000+ CDP responses and conducted 1,600+ review calls since 2011. We have unique experience in the scoring methodology and provide services that help improve your CDP performance.

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