FAQs About the FCS Name Change

FAQs About the FCS Name Change

FirstCarbon Solutions provides more than just carbon management solutions as this is one of a vast portfolio of services which also includes Environmental Planning, Sustainability and Disclosure services. And, if you were not aware, FCS is a part of the ADEC Innovations group, which comprises a larger ecosystem of businesses that deliver technical expertise, data management and software solutions that support the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across a number of different areas including sustainability, healthcare and education.

To better reflect our innovative philosophy and leverage synergies across the entire ADEC Innovations portfolio of businesses, the FCS Environmental, Social and Governance business you are familiar with will be changing its name to ADEC Innovations. Like FirstCarbon Solutions, ADEC Innovations is committed to helping you realize value through time savings, cost reductions, optimized resource use and operational efficiencies while in support of the UN’s SDGs.

While our name repositions us as the diverse, global player that we are, our internal structure and resources remain the same and, in some instances, have improved. ADEC Innovations has a global workforce with a wealth of industry expertise, guidance and support, alongside continually expanding software products, and we will continue to provide exceptional, customized services on large and small scales.

Why did FCS change its name to ADEC Innovations?
What does ‘ADEC’ stand for?
How will I see or feel a difference in the new brand?
Has anything changed with your services?
Were you bought out by someone else?
Does ADEC Innovations have a new mission?
I have more questions about the name change. How can I get them answered, and where can I find more information?
Are you changing what you offer and does this change anything about your offerings?
What is the story behind the ADEC Innovations logo?
When did you make the official switch to ADEC Innovations?
I typically pay my invoices to FirstCarbon Solutions. Can I still do this?


Why did FCS change its name to ADEC Innovations?

Based upon our research, the name ‘FirstCarbon Solutions’ (FCS) conveys an image of a company focused solely on carbon management. While carbon management is one small facet of what we do, our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) portfolio far exceeds and builds upon this offering. We are truly a global innovator, with the unique ability to combine Industry Expertise, Data Management and Software into innovations that help you save time, reduce costs, optimize resource use and drive operational efficiencies.

We have always been part of a larger organization, so we decided to adopt the name of that larger entity. The name ADEC Innovations is simple, yet broad enough to encompass the global ESG/sustainability services we provide today, and will grow to provide in the future. Across the overall ADEC Innovations business, whether in the healthcare, education, hospitality, apparel and footwear, or non-profit sectors, we provide innovations that transform the way organizations operate.

What does “ADEC” Stand for?

In 2001 our founders, James Donovan and Carol Esguerra, started one of their companies, American Data Exchange Corporation, which became an innovative market leader known as ‘ADEC’ to customers and a worldwide audience. ADEC has since expanded in geography, across five continents, and services, to include sustainability, ESG, healthcare and knowledge management. Combining all our Innovations under the ADEC acronym embodies the breadth of our portfolio, while maintaining our trusted global reputation.

How will I see or feel a difference in the new brand?

You will notice a change in the look of our website and collateral materials to use a new logo, new color palette, updated fonts and imagery, and an implementation of triangles to represent the three pillars of our business: Industry Expertise, Data Management and Software. Other than those visual differences, our brand evolution will be seamless for you. We provide the same level of exceptional service, backed by a global presence.

We will continue to provide the same level of exceptional service, backed by a global presence. This change provides a more integrated, broader approach to the services and solutions you already receive from us. On a very tactical level, for information on our products, as well as resources like white papers, blog posts, newsletters and brochures, you’ll now find everything you need at www.adecesg.com.

Your account management team will remain the same, and you can expect the same level of superior service and responsiveness. They will have new email addresses with the adec-innovations.com domain, and will contact you to update their information in the coming weeks. In fact, we hope to talk with you more often, as our breadth of services has expanded along with our updated name.

Has anything changed with your services?

Our core services, Industry Expertise, Data Management and Software, remain the same and continue to be the foundation of our business. We combine these three pillars to provide proprietary ADEC Innovations Solutions customized to meet your unique needs. In fact, they have improved with greater access to our global team and resources. In addition, ADEC Innovations now provides easier access to education, healthcare and technology services.

As an industry leader for 30+ years, FCS will continue to be a critical part of ADEC Innovations as the experience of successfully completing over 8,000 projects for various companies, governments, institutions and non-profit organizations is vital to supporting our overall mission of making an impact. That part of our business will continue to operate under the FCS brand name, also an ADEC Innovation, and we will continue to provide detailed information about our world class environmental, sustainability and compliance solutions on the FCS website.

Our Industry Expertise in Sustainability, Disclosure, and Environmental Planning and Compliance empowers you with the strategies and technologies to differentiate yourself in a highly competitive marketplace. Our Data Management and Processing is customized to meet your unique needs, and can be invaluable for your sustainability and profitability goals. Likewise, our Software Solutions can drive unprecedented operational efficiencies and a level of transparency your organization has never experienced before.

Were you bought by someone else?

No, FCS has always been part of the ADEC Innovations group of companies. Our new name more closely associates us with the trusted ADEC name, and speaks to what we truly are, an innovation developed by the ADEC Group, thus an ADEC Innovation.

Does ADEC Innovations have a new mission?

Not at all. Making an impact has always been, and will continue to be, what drives us. ADEC Innovations remains committed to creating positive impact, delivering innovative solutions worldwide by way of our Industry Expertise, Data Management and Software solutions. Our ADEC Innovations group of companies helps business operations around the world be more sustainable and recognize that positive impact is achievable and can have an effect on an organization’s bottom line.

I have more questions about the name change. How can I get them answered, and where can I find more information?

For more information regarding our name change, please contact our Legal team here.

Are you changing what you offer and does this change anything about your offerings?

ADEC Innovations still provides the industry expertise, data management, and software solutions you need to excel in an increasingly sustainability-conscious world. In addition, the ADEC Innovations group of companies expands our reach to specialize in solutions specifically targeted for education, technology, healthcare and more.

What is the story behind the ADEC Innovations logo?

The main image in our logo communicates the fact that ADEC Innovations is able to manage or ‘juggle’ a multitude of projects and solutions across a variety of clients and industries, always meeting and exceeding expectations, and never ‘dropping the ball’.

When did you make the official switch to ADEC Innovations?

ADEC Innovations has been a ‘doing business as’ (dba) name of FCS since October 22, 2015, and now we are officially making it our outward-facing name. You are one of the first to know!

I typically pay my invoices to FirstCarbon Solutions. Can I still do this?

Yes; FirstCarbon Solutions will continue to be one of ADEC Innovations’ ‘doing business as’ (dba) names.

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