ESG Trends in the APAC Finance Sector (Webinar Recap)

We partnered with CohnReznick and Sandpiper Communications on a webinar presenting ESG trends for the finance sector in the Asia-Pacific region. How can organizations adapt and implement ESG practices to position themselves as thought-leaders? What actions can you take to support responsible growth?

CDP Checkup: Optimizing Your CDP Disclosure in 2021

CDP Checkup Webinar CDP Disclosure in 2021

ADEC ESG hosted a live webinar to help you understand CDP Core Principles when working on CDP disclosures. Watch the recording on-demand and join our expert team of ESG consultants as they provide exclusive tips on updating your response for 2021.

CDP Core Principles (Webinar Recap)

In the latest interactive webinar hosted by ADEC ESG Solutions, our expert team of ESG consultants led a discussion on CDP’s Core Principles and how CDP data can be used across other ESG reporting frameworks. Want to gain a better understanding of the fundamentals and what trends to look out for in 2021 and beyond? We take you through a full breakdown below.

CDP Core Principles: A Primer for Reporting Companies

CDP Core Principles: A Primer for Reporting Companies graphic

ADEC ESG Solutions hosted a live webinar to help you learn about CDP Principles and where these principles come into play in responding to not only CDP, but other reporting frameworks as well. Watch the webinar on-demand to understand the fundamentals–and what to look out for in 2021.

FCS Webinar: New CDP Methodology

For many companies around the world, the time to respond to CDP Climate Change is approaching. In 2016, there are a few changes and additions to the methodology and questionnaire. The new requirements can seem overwhelming and companies may need some extra guidance when beginning to prepare their response.

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