Canadian Businesses Tackle Climate Change via the Low-Carbon Economy

Canadian business leaders, normally a stodgy lot, recognize that climate change has to be addressed, and see the opportunities available in the low-carbon economy. In exchange, they are demanding changes from the federal government to remain competitive. This is welcome news.
What Does 10,000 tons per year of GHG Emissions Look Like?

On May 18, 2016 the Ontario government gave royal assent to legislate the Climate Change Mitigation and Low-carbon Economy Act, which implements the Cap and Trade Regulation effective July 1, 2016.
Hannover Messe: Energy Management and the Low-Carbon Economy

Attending the Hannover Messe 2016 manufacturing trade fair in Germany gave me hope that humanity can be innovative enough in its energy use that we don’t overheat our planet with carbon emissions. Indeed, unlike most trade fairs or conferences, there was excitement for a low-carbon economy.
How, Exactly, will Innovation Spur Economic Growth?

Several government leaders tend to repeatedly use the buzzword “innovation” and project it as the cure-all for spent economies.
Energy Accountability & Transparency in a Low-Carbon Economy

An important benefit of the low-carbon economy is that it accelerates greater accountability and transparency regarding the cost of energy. Greater transparency and accountability spurs innovation and efficiency. I know this because I’ve seen how well it works in my house, which is a microcosm of the economy.
More Cities to have Low-Carbon Future

Cities in the world are talking about climate change and thinking about leaving fossil fuels behind for a low-carbon future. Here’s why: