How Impact Coalitions are Using Technology to Drive Growth

In response to the effects of climate change and the need for sustainable practices, organizations across industries have come together to form coalitions with the aim of creating long-term, forward-thinking solutions.
Pension Plans Are Driving Sustainability Reporting

Kinder Morgan, a publicly-traded company known for its controversial Trans Mountain Expansion pipeline through British Columbia, recently made another news headline: Shareholders voted against the Board of Directors’ recommendation to reject a shareholder’s resolution to adopt GRIS reporting guidelines for its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. How did this shareholder revolt happen?
Green Investments and Sustainable Development in Indonesia

Indonesia still has a long way to go towards achieving development. Although its gross national income (GNI) rose from USD 10,690 in 2015 to USD 11,220 in 2016, an estimated 93 million Indonesians continue to subsist on USD 3.10 a day (the World Bank’s moderate poverty line).
Forest-Risk Commodities: A Major Cause of Deforestation, Emissions and Climate Change

Climate change and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the new compasses for businesses, says Paul Simpson, CEO of CDP, in a new report called “Revenue at risk: Why addressing deforestation is critical to business success.”
What is Impact Investing?

Conventional wisdom dictates that the goal of businesses is to generate profit — and this goal may come into conflict with objectives such as environmental conservation and responsibly-sourced consumer goods. Impact investing dispels these beliefs by offering opportunities for stakeholders to invest — and, ultimately, profit from — social and environmental solutions.