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Robert Goldsand

Robert Goldsand is a previous contributor to the ADEC ESG blog. A California State University Sacramento College of Business Administration Alumni; Robert was a Customer Success Associate for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)/Sustainability Software Team.

Robert has a wealth of experience in the Software as a Service (SAAS) industry. He’s worked for multiple Silicon Valley and San Francisco based startups that have grown into large scale successfully companies. He’s taken on various roles including Sales, Marketing and Customer Success. He learned early in college that his ideal career would be that of which where he can mix his love for the environment, technology and genuine satisfaction of helping people, into one. Eventually after searching high and low, he found a home and dream job at ADEC innovations.

As a Customer Success Associate, Robert brought his positive energy and experience to help hundreds of customers successfully adopt a numerous ADEC Innovations software programs. Making customers happy and future feature enhancements is what keeps him up at night. When he’s not working, he’s researching the latest in technology and obsessing over his favorite sports teams.

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