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Janna Waligorski

Janna Waligorski, MA, has extensive experience in preparing CEQA and NEPA documentation and has prepared a wide range of planning and environmental impact analysis documents for jurisdictions throughout Northern California. She has actively overseen the compilation and completion of Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs), Initial Studies (IS/MNDs), Environmental Assessments (EAs), Addendums, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Programs (MMRPs). She has completed CEQA and/or NEPA documentation for mixed use, residential, commercial, retail, transportation, industrial, recreational, and institutional projects, with extensive work on constraints analyses, land use compatibility, transportation and circulation issues, farmland conversation, and visual impacts (aesthetics). Ms. Waligorski also offers experience in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and graphic applications, which allows her to understand and articulate complex spatial concepts.

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