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Charles Holcombe

Charles Holcombe is a previous contributor to the ADEC ESG blog. An environmentalist right to the very core of his being, Charles has over 7 years’ experience as an environmental planner and project manager.

He specializes in environmental impact assessment, and urban and regional land use planning within Southern California. Having possessed a strong technical understanding of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environment Policy Act (NEPA), Charles has a wide range of project experience developing environmental compliances strategies under those two acts that covers industrial facilities, residential and commercial projects, educational and public facilities, and roadways and regional recreation centers.

He has authored general plan updates, specific plans, environmental impact reports and environmental assessments.

An alumnus of University of Redlands, he has both a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies and a master’s degree in Business Administration. Charles is also a certified project manager and financial consultant, and a State of California real estate agent.

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