Jul 2024

The latest trends and initiatives in ESG and Sustainability​

Our Perspective

CDP Accredited Solutions Providers do more than provide support to companies responding to CDP’s
questionnaire. They also illuminate pathways for organizations working to grow their ESG programs as
a whole and move forward on their sustainability journeys.


By Alicia Godlove, MESM

Industry Updates

Multiple states have enacted new regulations making producers liable for recycling. The first Extended Producer Responsibility law in the U.S., requiring packaging producers to contribute to the costs of recycling their materials, takes effect in Oregon on July 1, 2025. Meanwhile, close to a dozen other states have EPR bills in the works.

The American Clean Power Association (ACP) projected there will be about 14 gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind capacity along the United States coastlines by 2030. That compares with a goal of 30 GW that President Joe Biden’s administration laid out in 2021 as it sought to jumpstart the domestic energy industry.

Norway’s ambitious plan to more than triple its salmon and trout production by 2050 faces a critical challenge: managing phosphorus, an essential but problematic nutrient. A recent report highlights the urgent need for a circular phosphorus economy, addressing both environmental concerns and resource security.

Industry Spotlight

With increased pressure from investors and customers, organizations are looking for more cost-effective and sustainable ways to conduct business. In 2011, a leading real estate services company began the process of developing a corporate-wide Sustainability Management Systems (SMS), to improve their public standing as a corporation committed to environmental stewardship.


In this on-demand webinar, we review new CDP questionnaire updates and how your organization can optimize its CDP performance in 2024. We discuss:

     • New and modified questions across Climate Change, Water Security, and Forests
     • Integrated questionnaire structure
     • Alignment with IFRS S2
     • Biodiversity and Plastics
     • Likely changes to scoring
       And more!

Industry Career Opportunities

Interested in joining a team of professionals working to create positive impact and value? Check out these current career opportunities.


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