The latest trends and
initiatives in ESG and

Mar 2018

Our Perspective

Renewable energy is a growing component of the modern world’s energy mix. The growth of the renewable energy sector in China broke records in 2017 with 650 million kilowatts of installed renewable energy capacity. The renewables boom is a global phenomenon – over 100 cities worldwide are mostly powered by renewable energy. Read More

Industry Updates

The potential of the circular economy continues to unfold as new technologies are help transform everything from post-consumer textiles to almond shells into high-quality raw materials. Read More

The newly-opened luxury Cordis hotel looks much like many other high-end hotels in Shanghai, with its glass-sided swimming pool, vast twin ballrooms and upscale spa. But the first Cordis hotel on mainland China boasts something that is genuinely rare in big Chinese cities: clean indoor air. Read More

MAR 2018
Special Feature


Tuesday, April 24, 2018
7:00am PDT / 10:00am EDT”

Learn about the significant updates to CDP’s 2018 Climate Change Questionnaire in this FREE 45 minute webinar.

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