The latest trends and
initiatives in ESG and

Dec 2021

Our Perspective

Carbon offsets can be a potential solution to reducing your organization’s greenhouse (GHG) emissions and are popular among prominent companies. But what are they and how can this method aid in your sustainability journey? Discover the process of carbon offsets in depth as our sustainability expert details whether these projects are worth an investment. Read More

Industry Updates

Getting an agreement on the rules for international trading of carbon credits, a set of negotiations known as Article 6, came down to the wire last month at COP26. Read More

Sustainable investing has come into focus as investors direct their cash toward stocks based on so-called ESG factors, but shareholders will need to get involved to create meaningful change at companies. Read More

While more than 3,000 businesses have joined the UNFCCC Race to Zero campaign and pledged to reach net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050, many companies face challenges in putting this guidance into practice. Read More

DEC 2021
Special Feature

Upcoming Free Webinar: ESG Trends In The APAC Finance Sector

The finance sector has a major role to play in the world’s transition to a carbon-free future as recent commitments at COP26 have pledged trillions of dollars to net-zero investments. Join us for this upcoming webinar as our panel focuses on Asia’s vital adoption of ESG trends and green finance as the region’s successful implementation of sustainability strategies can potentially define our transition to a sustainable world.


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