Preparing for Success with New Assessment Software-min

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One of the most important steps for any company initiating or reviewing their audit processes is finding the right software for the job. If your company is looking to roll out new assessment software, there are a number of questions you should ask before choosing your software solution, during the roll out of the new software, and into the long-term.


Access and Usability

During your search for a new software solution, one fundamental but often overlooked aspect to consider is whether or not a solution is the right fit for your organization. When evaluating software solutions, consider fit and compatibility, including:

  • Will internet connection quality, usage monitoring, or restrictions such as firewalls affect the functionality of the software in the regions in which it will be used?
  • Who will be given access to view, edit, and share the audit? How can administrators invite additional participants or revoke access to existing participants?
  • Will the expected users find the software easy to use? Will they be able to easily navigate assessments, provide descriptions of actions taken, and access explanations of scores?
  • Does the software run assessments in a way that is consistent with your existing process? Is the scoring methodology actionable and consistent with your internal ranking?


The Roll Out

Once you have chosen which software solution is right for your organization, plan the details of how you will implement the full roll out. Questions to ask during this phase include:

  • How much historic data should be loaded into the new system?
  • Who do you need to inform and update about the change? Will managers or clients need to be informed about any changes in reporting?
  • During your pilot, will you be able to provide sites where users can interact with the system in a test environment? Are you prepared to process feedback that you receive during these tests?
  • How will you provide initial and ongoing training? Will you have dedicated staff to react to any issues which arise?
  • How will users be onboarded? Do you have any procedures in place to follow up with users who do not login to the system at launch?


Moving Forward

Of course, the process does not just end once you have your new software up and running – it is important to gather data on the software’s performance and monitor any changes. Items to watch out for include:

  • Trends in user logins – are your suppliers consistently using the new software year-round, or are there times when it is less used?
  • Changes in methodology – will you be able to easily adjust the software to accommodate new assessment questions and scoring systems?
  • Evolution of the supply chain – how easy will it be to bring new suppliers onboard after the initial roll out?


Rolling out new auditing and assessment software across your supply chain can be a challenge. But, like all challenges, it can be overcome with the right preparation. Use this checklist of questions as a guide, and give yourself a head start on finding the software solution that is right for your organization.


CleanChain, an ADEC Innovation, helps you gain visibility and insights into the chemical use in your supply chain. Want to find out more? Book a free demo with us today to find out how CleanChain can help you engage your supply chain and improve your chemical management initiatives.


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