Measuring CDP Performance by Sector graphic

Is your company ready to submit its CDP disclosure this month? With the August 26 deadline fast approaching, you still have a few weeks to ensure you have the support you need to maximize your performance. As CDP’s Global Scoring and Outsourcing Partner from 2011-2019, ADEC ESG has unique experience in supporting organizations reporting to CDP.

Why Should Your Organization Disclose to CDP?

In an increasingly sustainability-conscious era compounded by a consistently evolving landscape, there has never been a more compelling case for environmental disclosure. The growing market demand is indisputable, with Morningstar reporting that close to 500 funds added ESG criteria to their prospectuses in 2019. CDP found that more than 500 investors with USD $106 trillion in assets are requesting thousands of companies to disclose their environmental data through CDP. With reports showing that consumers place greater value on sustainability and transparency, disclosing to CDP helps companies build trust and credibility, and address rising environmental concerns among the general public.

Transparency and reporting have long been on the upswing for companies, and 2020 has underscored the critical need for strong sustainability principles to build resiliency through other global crises. Companies can effectively organize their response to this year’s CDP disclosure by leveraging external resources.

How Is Your Sector Performing?

With experience scoring more than 23,000 CDP disclosures globally and conducting more than 1,700 performance reviews, ADEC ESG has extensive insight on the CDP disclosure process and reporting trends. For nearly a decade, our sustainability experts have helped companies deliver measurable results. In 2019, over 90% of our clients scored the same or better year-over-year, with 40% of our clients achieving a spot on the 2019 CDP A List.


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Where did your sector fit in?

Piggy Bank Icon In 2019, the majority of our clients in the financial sector performed the same or better year-over-year, with half of them improving by two score bands or more.
Document Search Icon Most of our clients in the food and beverage sector, the utilities sectors, the automotive and transportation sector, the pharmaceutical sector, and the real estate sector performed the same or better year-over-year.
Star Rating Icon Our clients in the oil and gas sector improved by at least one score band on average.
Document Certification Icon The majority of our clients in the paper and forestry sector improved their performance year-over-year by at least one score band.
Pushcart Icon And, most of our clients in the consumer products sector performed the same or better year over year, with an average improvement of more than one score band.

Contact Us Today to Get Started!

There is still time to maximize your performance before the August 26 deadline. Disclosing to CDP can be an overwhelming and time-consuming task for first-time and long-time respondents alike, especially when you may have limited resources. Get instant support for your 2020 disclosure through Scoring Assessments, performance insights, on-demand consulting, and more.


Contact us to learn more about how we can help. 

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