
For many companies around the world, the time to respond to CDP Climate Change is approaching. In 2016, there are a few changes and additions to the methodology and questionnaire. The new requirements can seem overwhelming and companies may need some extra guidance when beginning to prepare their response. FirstCarbon Solutions (FCS) addressed and brought clarity to the changes for this upcoming year. To do this, FCS hosted five webinar sessions that outline most of the major changes and important information for companies to understand before diving into their response this year.

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The webinars were led by Sustainability Project Manager, Alicia Godlove. Through the webinar, Alicia primarily discussed the following changes or additions to the 2016 requirements for CDP Climate Change:

  • New changes in the Scoring Presentation and the 4 scoring levels (Disclosure, Awareness, Management, and Leadership)
  • New A-List criteria for the highest scoring companies
  • Targets and the differences between Absolute vs. Intensity
  • New Science-Based Target (SBT) requirements, what it means for companies, and how to set one
  • New Scope 2 Accounting and the changes for 2016, as well as a deeper look into both Market-Based and Location-Based Methods
  • Updated requirements and methodology for the Risks and Opportunities Category


FCS has scored 15,600+ CDP responses since 2011 and is an expert in both the scoring methodology* and in building streamlined corporate sustainability systems using our state-of-the-art software and data collection services. To get more information on CDP’s changes for 2016, watch our webinar, ‘Understanding CDP’s 2016 Methodology’.

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*In accordance with CDP’s conflict of interest policy, FCS does not provide official scoring services for any of our CDP consulting clients.

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