The Challenge
Third-party validation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data reports is an important part of ESG reporting and disclosure and supports organizations as they provide transparency to customers, investors, government agencies, and other stakeholders. Given the complexity and high standards of many emissions regulatory bodies, how do you find a reliable and trustworthy third party to verify your emissions reporting?
Our Solution
For the past three years, Cameron-Cole, an ADEC Innovation, was retained by Lyft to perform an independent verification of its GHG Emissions Inventory for all Scope 1, 2, and 3 emission sources. The reported Scope 3 emissions include all transport fuel combusted during rides provided by drivers using the Lyft Platform. With a combined 40 years of emissions verification experience, Cameron-Cole is an Air Resources Board-accredited verification body for a number of California programs and has conducted more than 500 GHG verifications.
Cameron-Cole conducted verification activities in alignment with the principles of ISO-14064-3:2006(E) Specifications with Guidance for the Validation and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Assertions. Verification objectives were met through review of GHG data, calculations, methodologies, and management systems.
Results and Deliverables
- Independent GHG inventory verification for Scope 1, 2, and 3 emission sources
- Verification aligned with the principles of ISO-14064-3:2006(E)