The Challenge

In 2015, a leading financial services company was in need of comprehensive professional and software services to enhance its sustainability management program. It was searching for a reputable firm to provide both environmental data management services and subject-matter expertise to support its sustainability tracking and reporting.

Our Solution

Setting Foundations

As a baseline to determining our client’s global carbon footprint, we processed hundreds of utility bill invoices per month to track electricity, natural gas, water, and waste. The data was consolidated into streamlined sustainability and data management systems, allowing our client to free up internal resources to focus on higher-level sustainability initiatives. The company continues to use our data systems to monitor, manage, and report its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data easily and cost-effectively.

Using the integrated data and the GHG Protocol methodology from the World Resource Institute, our team calculated our client’s scope 1 and 2 emissions for its owned facilities, as well as selected scope 3 emission sources. In addition to the emissions calculations, we use the inventory data to track, manage, and calculate key metrics, such as year-over-year and emission source data comparisons.

Developing Disclosure

In 2015, we began working hand-in-hand with our client’s staff to develop structured, detailed responses for their CDP Climate Change disclosure, resulting in scores higher than sector, regional, and industry averages. Since then, we have continued to work with our client’s sustainability team to complete their annual Climate Change disclosure, which has helped the company report on its sustainability management program and work towards better transparency and improve its score to Management B.

The ADEC ESG Solutions Advantage

Since developing our client’s initial sustainability framework in 2015, ADEC ESG Solutions’ multidisciplinary team has continued to refine the company’s framework while chronicling the story of its Sustainability Journey through its annual Sustainability Report. With our full suite of data tracking and management, as well as ESG-related reporting services, we strive to support and execute the company’s internal and external sustainability efforts.

Using their GHG inventory, data from CDP efforts, and communications with subject-matter experts, our team managed, authored, and designed the company’s inaugural 2017 Sustainability Report, which focused on its environmental, social, and economic targets and accomplishments.

We subsequently assisted in organizing our client’s 2018, 2019, and 2020 Sustainability Reports to provide increased transparency into ESG policies, programs, and goals. These successes—and our client’s increasing focus on and drive towards sustainability—have inspired the company to pursue the inclusion of additional frameworks, such as the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards.

To help our client stay proactive and well-informed on the everchanging ESG landscape, we have led executive-level sessions on topics like carbon neutrality and ESG strategic road mapping. We have also assessed the company’s operations and reporting to BlackRock, Inc.’s Engagement Priorities and Key Performance Indicators for 2020.

As we continue to guide and document our client’s Sustainability Journey, ADEC ESG Solutions remains a proud and trusted partner and looks forward to supporting this ESG leader in achieving its ambitious ESG goals.


Results and Deliverables

  • Comprehensive Sustainability Report for 2017-2020
  • Annual CDP Climate Change Disclosure reporting since 2015
  • Sustainability data management system planning and implementation
  • Key GHG emissions calculations and metrics

Benefits to the Client

  • Established foundation for multi-year sustainability framework
  • Developed efficiencies and processes to monitor and track carbon footprint
  • Achieved CDP Disclosure performance above sector, region, and industry averages
  • Greater transparency on sustainability-related issues

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