Your GHG Questions Answered

Do you have questions about GHGs, decarbonization, and carbon accounting? Get the answers in our greenhouse gas FAQ round-up.

How Do I Calculate Scope 3 Emissions?

Looking to learn more about GHG inventories, including scopes 1, 2, and 3 emissions? In this post, ADEC ESG analyst Tyanna Bui explains scope 3 emissions and how to calculate them.

Carbon Offsets Explained

We explain carbon offsets: what they are, what they do, and how you can determine whether or not they’re right for your organization.

What is the Downside to Cap and Trade?

What is the Downside to Cap and Trade? Banner Image

Since Ontario started its cap and trade program on January 1, 2017, it has generated CAD$2.4 billion dollars in revenue for the province in 5 auctions – money allocated for carbon reducing projects. But, what about the downside?

Ontario Now Has the Second Largest Cap and Trade Market in the World!

Ontario Now Has the Second Largest Cap and Trade Market in the World! Banner Image

The second largest carbon market in the world was created on January 1, 2018 when Ontario’s cap and trade program was linked with those of California and Quebec in the Western Climate Initiative (WCI). This means Ontario, California, and Quebec will be holding joint auctions of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions allowances, and also have harmonized regulations and reporting. The international provincial and state governments’ announcement made on September 22, 2017 pledged for them to work cooperatively. By doing so, they are effectively bypassing climate action delays or inaction at the federal level of government, and already this has had an impact on other international cap and trade programs.

Why the Ontario Cap and Trade Program is Here to Stay

Why the Ontario Cap and Trade Program is Here to Stay Banner Image

Some in the business community are uncertain whether the Ontario Cap and Trade (CT) program will survive a Progressive Conservative win in the provincial election scheduled next year, but there is no need to worry.

Should a Natural Forest Count as a Carbon Credit?

Yes, of course, it makes sense for natural, existing forests to count as a credit in carbon cap and trade, but right now they don’t. Urban forests should also count as a carbon credit, but don’t.

COP21 Summit: Highlights and Key Takeaways

The 21st session of the Conference of Parties (the COP21 summit) began with a lofty goal, aiming to achieve a legally binding agreement among all nations to limit global warming to below 2°C by 2100.

Why Your Business Needs a Sustainability Plan


As the private and public sectors continue to develop their sustainability plans to demonstrate their commitment to the environment and the wellbeing of their communities, the private sector faces the challenge of ensuring the long-term viability of their operations and the wellbeing of their clients and consumers.

The Importance of Sustainability Reporting


Many investors recognize that sustainability is a long-term goal that will define the business model and advance from limited practice among eco-friendly business leaders.

A Brief History of the Global Carbon Market


People all over the world are striving for a greener, more sustainable Earth. Regulators, governments and consumers are aware of the benefits of promoting sustainable practices. In doing so, a greater value is being placed not only on health and safety, but on the environment as well.

The Need to Optimize an Organization’s Supply Chain

The ability of a company to be sustainable is no longer an option: it has become a necessity. In doing so, organizations must learn to prioritize the optimization of their supply chain operations. Today, major organizations worldwide are utilizing sustainability measures to reduce their carbon emissions.

Benchmarking Climate Change Performance Across Supply Chains


Supply chains are businesses’ lifeblood—they are the means through which products and services are created and delivered to the customer. Supply chains are where one can see how raw materials travel and transform into goods. They also reflect companies’ value chains, indicating cash outflow from costs of raw materials and resources along with profits from customers’ purchase of their products.

Achieve Environmental Sustainability in Style

There is no doubt that a large number of today’s world population takes into consideration the harmful impacts of their everyday socio-civic activities on the environment. The slowly diminishing natural resources due mostly to man-made errors have become a global issue that our world needs to address immediately. With this in mind, many organizations are now more conscious in their efforts to do their part in preserving our environment and its natural resources and, more importantly, lessen the carbon footprints they leave

NASCAR’s Sustainability

With a sport that is focused around racing vehicles, one may not think that racing could be a sustainable sport. I did not think that a sport which uses large quantities of fossil fuels and emits greenhouse gases (literally from start to finish) could ever be deemed as sustainable. However, NASCAR has taken several steps […]

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