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Tommy Molioo (Past Contributor)

Tommy’s field survey experience includes conducting habitat assessments, biological resources studies, year-long avian studies, year-long plant and wildlife inventory surveys, bird-use-counts (BUCs), wildlife corridor studies, and focused protocol surveys for a number of sensitive plant and wildlife species. Tommy has conducted focused protocol surveys for the following species: Marvin’s onion, many-stemmed dudleya, San Fernando Valley spineflower, Nevin’s barberry, Davidson’s bush mallow, slender mariposa lily, Coachella Valley milk-vetch, Quino checkerspot butterfly, coastal California gnatcatcher, least Bell’s vireo, burrowing owl, desert tortoise, Arroyo toad, flat-tailed horned lizard, Los Angeles pocket mouse, and San Bernardino kangaroo rat.

He also conducted monitoring surveys and maintenance activities for restoration projects throughout Southern California, and assisted with formal wetland delineations for projects requiring wetlands permitting under US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), and California Department of Fish & Game (CDFG) jurisdiction.

He earned his B.A. in Biology from Minot State University in North Dakota on a football scholarship.

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