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Robert Francisco

Robert Francisco is a previous contributor to the ADEC ESG blog. Robert offers 25 years of experience in dealing with land-use planning and regulatory compliance issues. He possesses a thorough understanding of wetland permitting requirements, ecology of wetland systems, wetland restoration planning, Section 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act, Section 106 of the National Historical Preservation Act, and special status species issues pursuant to Section 7 and 10 of the Endangered Species Act.

He earned his bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science with a minor in Biological Sciences from California State University, Sacramento.

A published author, Robert has written several articles on vernal pool creation, streambed restoration, and habitat assessment. He is also a frequent lecturer on compliance issues related to the Clean Water Act and related compliance issues.

Before joining FirstCarbon Solutions (FCS), he was responsible for growing the Jones & Stokes Northern California offices that ultimately generated $22M in annual revenues. It was because of this significant success that Robert was recruited to FCS. He has expansive operational expertise and is currently responsible for helping to govern and position the Company for geographic and service expansion.

Over the years, Robert has worked on or managed nationwide permits and individual permits including the preparation of complex 404(b)(1) alternatives analysis in support of documenting National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance.

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