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Karlee McCracken

With an associate’s degree in Computer Science from Riverside Community College and an active member of California Geographic Information Associates (CGIA), Karlee McCracken has used her computer expertise in the creation of various mapping standards.

She has over 9 years of experience working with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and graphic design as a GIS Technician before she joined FirstCarbon Solutions (FCS) in 2001. Karlee has then been involved in vegetation mapping, delineation of waters of the US and waters of the state, critical habitat mapping, California natural diversity database mapping and project specific environmental impacts.

Karlee is highly skilled with software such as ArcGIS, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Acrobat. Her expertise in photo manipulation, layout design and color management helps when she creates brochures, flyers, posters and other marketing materials.

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