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Christel Calilung

Christel Calilung is a previous contributor to the ADEC ESG blog. Armed with a passion for Marketing and Sustainability, Christel joined FirstCarbon Solutions (FCS) as a Marketing Coordinator in July 2019 and was a Marketing Specialist. After graduating from the University of California Riverside with a BA in Sociology, she obtained her MBA from California State Long Beach with a dual specialization in Marketing and Finance. Christel worked day-to-day on multiple projects, across different channels throughout FCS and ADEC ESG Solutions, collaborated with cross-functional teams to successfully implement their Marketing strategies and effectively communicated their unique messaging to their audiences. Driven by her dedication to seeing tangible results, she enjoyed creating impactful work in the Environmental industry and helping to bridge the gap between the company and its customers, ultimately building a more cohesive, sustainable path for the future.

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