The latest trends and
initiatives in ESG and

Sep 2023

Our Perspective

Accounting for your organization’s greenhouse gas emissions may seem daunting. We help break down the process into simple steps to help you get started. Read More

Industry Updates

A group of leading global corporates has urged the European Union to establish a stretching climate target for 2040, arguing the bloc should set a new goal to cut net greenhouse emissions by at least 90 percent on 1990 levels. Read More

The U.S. Department of Agriculture will spend up to $400,000 to adjust a federal greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions model to ensure that aviation fuel made from corn-based ethanol is eligible for hefty subsidies, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said at a conference. Read More

At the recent G20 summit, world leaders decided to set the goal of tripling renewable energy production, but they lacked agreement on fossil fuel reduction actions. The 20 countries involved are accountable for 80% of global emissions, making collective efforts towards decarbonization amongst members crucial to worldwide climate change mitigation. Read More

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