The latest trends and
initiatives in ESG and

Sep 2020

Our Perspective

In our latest collaborative webinar, we brought together Kansas City business leaders to share their experiences, successes, and challenges addressing ESG from different industries in an ever-changing landscape. Get a recap of the main discussion points here. Read More

Industry Updates

Cities across the U.S. are pledging to plant trees and restore urban forests to combat climate change and cool off disadvantaged communities. Read More

According to a new report, an estimated $3.4 trillion will be invested in renewable energy during the next decade, including $2.72 trillion in wind and solar. By 2030, 54.1% of installed capacity will be renewable (including hydropower), and 37.9% will be a combination of solar and wind. Read More

If you stick around the world of sustainable business long enough, you’re sure to see an immutable march of memes — terms that rise up and become popularized, often without agreed-upon definitions. Read More

SEP 2020
Special Feature


Join the conversation on September 9!
Mary Bean, Director of Environmental Services at FirstCarbon Solutions, an ADEC Innovation, joins Sister Cities International (SCI) and the Global CEO Alliance to introduce and explain concepts related to resiliency, ESG, and the Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) as they relate to cities.
This conversation promotes the sharing of best practices regarding resiliency and builds the capacity of local governments, both U.S. and Global, to develop resilient and equitable strategies for growth.
Register using the link below.

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