The latest trends and
initiatives in ESG and

May 2020

Our Perspective

California Executive Order N-54-20 suspends certain requirements under CEQA, among other policy changes, until June 21. How does this new EO affect posting, filing, and other obligations? Are there ways it could affect your project? Read on for our rundown of the details. Read More

Industry Updates

Since the landmark Paris Agreement on climate change, adopted in 2015 and signed by 175 countries on Earth Day the following year, global momentum to tackle the climate emergency has been building. Read More

BP Plc has won Australian government backing for a feasibility study into producing hydrogen using wind and solar power to split water, and converting the hydrogen to ammonia in Western Australia. Read More

Surge in environmental awareness and concerns, increase in consumer and industrial interest for the use of clean energy resources, and growth in use of RFID sensors augment the growth of the global green technology and sustainability market. Read More

MAY 2020
Special Feature


As our communities and environment continue to change at a faster pace, so do the risks associated with ESG factors. ESG has become a key topic in the private sector when investors and companies are evaluating, disclosing, and mitigating risk. However, local governments face similar risks and many of the same ESG factors are used by bond rating agencies to evaluate municipal credit ratings.

Join Climate Action KC (CAKC), ADEC Innovations, and Moody’s for an interactive webinar to learn about ESG for local governments—including what key ESG factors and risks are used by bond raters, and what you can do within your community to better manage these risks.


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