The latest trends and
initiatives in ESG and

May 2018

Our Perspective

Industry Updates

As Singapore’s electricity market opens up to greater competition, solar company Sunseap and infocomm giant StarHub partner to power households with up to 100 per cent clean and renewable energy. Read More

While being “socially conscious” is a bit of a buzzword these days in the entrepreneurial world, it truly is the ultimate win/win – it’s both a powerful way to boost your bottom line, increase team spirit, and encourage creativity, all while engaging in positive change, according to Leena Patidar, CEO of Coin Up. Read More

MAY 2018
Special Feature


The CDP Climate Change Questionnaire is updated each year in response to developments in the business landscape and emissions accounting practices. There are significant changes in 2018, which ADEC Innovations has identified, providing tips and guidance on:  

  • Risk and Opportunity Management
  • Emissions Management
  • Governance and Strategy
  • Verification

Watch our pre-recorded webinar to learn more about the changes to CDP’s Climate Change Questionnaire.


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