The latest trends and
initiatives in ESG and

Mar 2023

Our Perspective

CDP has made some notable changes to its 2023 Water Security questionnaire. Companies responding will find some increased robustness in criteria, new and modified questions applicable to all sectors, and the introduction of a new Plastics module. We explore what these changes are in-depth and look ahead to what we may be able to expect in future iterations. Read More

Industry Updates

The U.S. State Department gave details on $6 billion in funding commitments around the world to protect oceans and fight climate change. The amount was first announced by Washington’s climate envoy John Kerry and encompasses 77 different commitments. Read More

Global energy-related emissions of carbon dioxide hit a record high last year, although more clean technology such as solar power and electric vehicles helped limit the impact of increased coal and oil use, said the International Energy Agency (IEA). Read More

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has awarded Purdue University a $10 million grant to help landowners and stakeholders adapt their forests to meet increasingly complicated economic and climate conditions in the Eastern US. Read More

MAR 2023
Special Feature


In our latest webinar, we discussed everything you need to know about CDP in 2023, from critical internal support to insights on improving your response. Discover tactics and strategies to help you maximize your performance this year and beyond. Get instant access to this webinar recording here: 


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