The latest trends and
initiatives in ESG and

Mar 2021

Our Perspective

Identifying the key ESG factors that impact your company is at the heart of a great sustainability strategy. This is where materiality analysis comes into play. Read on to learn more about why you should be conducting a materiality analysis. Read More

Industry Updates

A U.N.-backed initiative aims to enlist major companies in each economic sector to work out a credible pathway to net-zero emissions by mid-century – starting now Read More

Allbirds, icebreaker and Smartwool throw their weight behind the industry’s first regenerative wool platform; and The North Face and three other companies join Indigo Ag’s program to incentivize farmers to shift to regenerative practices. Read More

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced today that it will review its guidance for public company obligations for disclosures related to climate change risk, citing increased demand by investors for material, comprehensive and consistent information. Read More

MAR 2021
Special Feature


CDP Checkup: Optimizing Your CDP Disclosure in 2021

Choose from two available times:

  • March 22 at 5PM PDT / March 23 at 11AM AEDT
  • March 24 at 8AM PDT / 3PM GMT

ADEC ESG Solutions will host a live webinar to help attendees understand CDP Core Principles when working on CDP disclosures. This masterclass-style webinar will walk attendees through core concepts in responding to CDP, which can help to improve your responses and optimize your performance. We’ll also go over 2021 reporting cycle updates that you should consider as you build out your CDP response.


This webinar will cover topics such as:

  • Timeline for upcoming reporting season
  • 2021 CDP updates to be aware of
  • How to account for COVID in your response
  • Best practices for maximizing your score
  • Understand the synergies between the Climate Change/Water/Forest questionnaires

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