The latest trends and
initiatives in ESG and

Jun 2020

Our Perspective

On June 5th, we celebrated World Environment Day, a day to highlight the urgent call to protect biodiversity worldwide. To learn about biodiversity and how it affects your day-to-day life, check out this month’s Our Perspective. Read More

Industry Updates

As COVID-19 hits the fossil fuel industry, a new UN report published on Wednesday shows that renewable energy is more cost-effective than ever – providing an opportunity to prioritize clean energy in national economic recovery packages and bring the world closer to meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. Read More

The world’s leading climate authority, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), published a landmark 2018 report highlighting the urgency of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Read More

The pandemic has seen carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions fall as fossil fuel use has collapsed. But will these changes be permanent? Read More

JUN 2020
Special Feature


The outbreak of COVID-19 has driven companies and other organizations to rethink resiliency, sustainability, and how they do business amidst global disruption. Our webinar aims to help attendees understand how to organize responding to CDP in 2020, given new challenges and a changing environment.

The webinar covers topics such as:

  • Effects of COVID-19 on organizations worldwide
  • How to address current challenges, such as remote teams and reduced budgets, staffing, and resources
  • How to leverage resources to gather data and provide a high-performing CDP response
  • Best practices for disclosure completion
  • Resources available to you to help keep you on track, and more.

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