The latest trends and
initiatives in ESG and

Jul 2020

Our Perspective

The COVID-19 crisis has propelled resiliency and sustainability to the forefront as organizations adapt, adjust, and evaluate how they do business amidst global disruption. How has the way you manage ESG disclosure changed in 2020? In our blog post, we look at best practices and what you can do to stay ahead of your CDP disclosure this year. Read More

Industry Updates

The drivers in 2020 are clear. The most obvious example is the collective response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has compromised our interconnected world. Read More

BP has sold off its petrochemicals business in a move designed to help it become a lower carbon firm. Read More

Amazon has teamed up with the CanopyStyle initiative in a bid to ensure that by 2022 none of the private label clothing sold on its platform is made from viscose derived from ancient and endangered forests. Read More

JUL 2020
Special Feature


The market has shown that your approach to ESG will play a key role in the success and longevity of your company. In this webinar, we bring together business leaders to share their experiences, successes, and challenges addressing ESG from different industries in an ever-changing landscape. How are their companies addressing ESG, and how does this fit within the wider community and climate action?

Join Climate Action KC, ADEC Innovations, and a panel of industry leaders for perspectives on how different industries are approaching ESG, including:

  • Trends and best practices in ESG for private industry
  • Challenges and opportunities in managing ESG
  • Examples of corporate ESG management and success in action
  • Parallels and collaboration opportunities with local government

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