The latest trends and
initiatives in ESG and

Jan 2021

Our Perspective

In this month’s Our Perspective, the ADEC ESG Solutions team looks back on 2020 through a few highlighted projects, useful resources, and steps forward we’ve taken over the past year. Read More

Industry Updates

In a bid of optimism for the new year, the UN Development Programme (UNDP) expressed confidence that clean energy would grow in 2021. Read More

Larry Fink, chief executive of the world’s biggest asset manager BlackRock, warned the companies it invests in on Tuesday they will need to show a game plan for surviving in a world aiming for net-zero carbon emissions by mid-century. Read More

Cities are hubs of innovation and economic growth and at the same time key drivers of consumption and global production. They are where we feel both the devastating impact of climate change and where there is enormous potential to accelerate climate action and ambition. Read More

JAN 2021
Special Feature


Understanding CDP’s Core Principles isn’t just useful when reporting to CDP. Applying these principles can provide data users valuable insight into your ESG program, and they can be applied more broadly towards other reporting mechanisms, giving you a greater understanding of disclosure overall.

ADEC ESG Solutions is hosting a live webinar to help you learn about CDP Principles, and where these principles come into play in responding to not only CDP, but other reporting indices as well.

This webinar will cover:

  • Trends with CDP and what to expect for 2021
  • How to leverage your sustainability programs to maximize your CDP score
  • How CDP connects to other reporting – DJSI, EcoVadis, and more
  • And a live Q&A session with our experienced consultants

We’ll be running sessions at the following times–don’t miss out!

  • February 22 at 5PM PST
  • February 24 at 8AM PST

250 Commerce, Suite 210
Irvine, CA 92602


+1 888 826 5814
+1 714 508 4100


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