The latest trends and
initiatives in ESG and

Feb 2023

Our Perspective

Using internal carbon pricing (ICP) has grown in popularity in recent years as an effective method to help companies make the shift towards decarbonization. Last year, CDP reported that the number of companies using internal carbon pricing has increased 80% in the last five years. Why are so many organizations making this shift, and what steps can you take to set an internal carbon price? Read More

Industry Updates

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced the issuance of a final rule defining “waters of the United States” (WOTUS), a key term in the Clean Water Act (CWA). Read More

The Biden administration banned the dumping of mining waste near Bristol Bay, Alaska, issuing a decree that thwarts longstanding plans to extract gold, copper and molybdenum because of potential harm to the region’s thriving sockeye salmon industry. Read More

After debuting 50 years ago, carbon tech was long considered too expensive and inefficient to be a viable climate solution. But the skyrocketing number of venture capital (VC) deals in 2022 awakened carbon tech funding from its slumber. Now it’s the tech sector to watch. Read More

FEB 2023
Special Feature


ADEC ESG Solutions is here to help you get the most out of your CDP disclosure. We’re hosting a live webinar covering everything you need to know about CDP in 2023. From critical internal support to insights on how to improve your response, we’ll discuss tactics and strategies to help you maximize your performance this year and beyond.


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