The latest trends and
initiatives in ESG and

Feb 2022

Our Perspective

Although resource scarcity already affects business operations, including supply and value chains, the issue of water risk to organizational processes often gets overlooked. Every business uses water both directly and indirectly. As climate change continues, it’s imperative to prioritize mitigating water related risks via a Water Risk Assessment (WRA) to maintain operational processes and strengthen them as well. Learn more about the concept of WRAs here. Read More

Industry Updates

Sustainability has become a major investment focus. News headlines frequently point to how investors are sidestepping old energy sources such as coal, favouring greener and more sustainable alternatives. Read More

Total sustainable debt issuance reached a record high in 2021 and is poised for continued growth in 2022. Read More

Companies have been changing cultural dialogues to adopt ESG strategies, as well as translating these goals into practical, measurable, and trackable efforts. This article outlines 10 questions every company should be asking as they develop their own strategies. Read More

FEB 2022
Special Feature

A new CDP reporting season is upon us. How can your organization better prepare for climate disclosure? What can you do to improve on last years scores? Our ESG experts are here to guide you on your sustainability journey and optimize your reporting.

Register now to access insider tips during our next webinar on February 16, 2022 at 8 AM (PST).


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