The latest trends and
initiatives in ESG and

Dec 2022

Our Perspective

ADEC Innovations President of Professional Services Brian Myller shares evidence suggesting that the spectrum of data sources and types associated with environmental science and engineering is expanding, along with the scope of our work. He also explores the reasonings behind this change, and the value this continued expansion can have for our partners and society. Read More

Industry Updates

The Federal Building Performance Standard requires federal agencies to cut energy use and electrify equipment and appliances to achieve zero emissions in 30% of their buildings by square footage space by 2030. U.S. President Joe Biden wants federal buildings to be emissions free by 2045 as part of his goal of decarbonizing the economy by 2050. Read More

So far in 2022 renewable energy sources have provided more of the total electricity generation in the United States compared to the same time in 2021 and are overtaking traditional energy sources like coal, according to data from the Energy Information Administration. Read More

A joint venture between General Motors and LG Energy Solution is receiving a $2.5 billion loan to help build lithium-ion battery cell manufacturing plants. Read More

DEC 2022
Special Feature

This year’s much-anticipated CDP scores were released this week, and we know the topics on everyone’s minds: reviews, revisions, and improvements for next year’s reporting cycle. Click the button below to schedule a free 20-minute consultation with an ADEC ESG Solutions team member in order to determine what your organization can do to optimize performance in 2023.


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