
The latest trends and
initiatives in ESG and

May 2024

Our Perspective

Proposed in early 2023 and passed later that year, SB 261 is a part of California’s larger Climate Accountability Package and mandates reporting on climate-related financial risk. Read More

Industry Updates

After four years of negotiations, the European Union passed the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). The legislation aims to harmonize the requirements and processes for companies to assess and mitigate the human rights and environmental impacts of their operations and supply chains. Here’s an early look at how CSDDD will affect corporate supply chains. Read More

China aims to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of key industries by an amount equivalent to about 1% of the 2023 national total through efficiency gains in everything from steel production to transportation. The government action plan said China’s economy would require 2.5% less energy for every unit of GDP growth in 2024. It proposed to hit that goal by pushing for specific changes in industries. Read More

Targeting 50 million tons of CO2 storage by 2030, the Net-Zero Industry Act de-risks private investments and supports hard-to-abate industries with strategic CO2 projects and a transparent storage market. The European Union has set an ambitious goal: to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. Central to this objective is the European Green Deal, which aligns with the EU’s global climate commitments under the Paris Agreement. Read More

May 2024
Special Feature

The 2024 CDP questionnaire has been released, and it incorporates a lineup of new updates requiring disclosing companies to quickly adapt—including alignment with IFRS S2, question changes, and a new integrated questionnaire. In this on-demand webinar, we review these new updates and how your organization can optimize its CDP performance in 2024.

Industry Career Oppotunities

Interested in joining a team of professionals working to create positive impact and value? Check out these current career opportunities.

Industry Spotlight

A multinational retail developer needed comprehensive professional services to lead and enhance its strategic ESG initiatives, including environmental data management and subject-matter experts for sustainability reporting. ADEC Innovations ESG Solutions’ multidisciplinary team stepped in to create efficiencies between sustainability measures on a quantitative and qualitative level. Read Case Study.


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