The latest trends and
initiatives in ESG and

Apr 2022

Our Perspective

Recent changes to ESG regulations has spurred a shift in investor interests leading to an influx in new ESG shareholder proposals. Our Associate Director, ESG Technical Services, George Lu, breaks down the nuances of these proposals and how companies can take action to apply internal and external change. Discover three key tactics to implement in your ESG and business strategies. Read More

Industry Updates

The SEC is quashing more company requests to exclude shareholder proposals related to climate and social issues from their proxies after a significant policy change in November. Read More

Corporate reporting proposals released by both the U.S. securities regulator and the International Sustainability Standards Board in March would give investors more reliable details about the air pollution that companies emit and what steps they are taking to avoid risks that a warming planet poses to their operations. Read More

Executives across a range of sectors see social responsibility policies and environmental, social and governance investing as an increasingly essential part of doing business, according to a recent survey from PNC Financial Services Group’s asset management arm. Read More

APR 2022
Special Feature

Join us for an interactive webinar where you will have the opportunity to discuss guidance on your organization’s CDP and ESG strategies. Our team will be taking questions to provide knowledge and aid in optimizing your reporting and disclosure processes.

Register now for May 4, 2022 08:00 AM PT.


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